Join Us

Auckland Seniors Support And Caring Group Inc. and Howick Chinese Association Inc. Code

  1. Before applying to join the association, you must read and agree to the association's charter;
  2. People with legal residency status can apply to join the association;
  3. Applicants must sign the application form and pay the membership fee to join the club;
  4. Be able to participate in the activities organized by the association without any reason; must attend the annual general meeting, and those who are absent, when they withdraw from the association automatically;
  5. Pay the membership fee on time, if you do not pay the membership fee within the timeframe, automatically withdraw from the association;
  6. The Council of the Association has the power to make decisions on the retention of members.

Download Documents

Auckland Seniors Support And Caring Group Inc. Rules

Howick Chinese Association Inc. Rules

Membership Application Form